
Workshop on accountability process for delegates started

Publicación: 5 Dec, 2024

Categories: Featured | Isle of Youth

From this 3rd to 4th of September, the preparatory seminar for constituency delegates takes place in Isla de la Juventud, prior to the first process of accountability to their constituents in the eighteenth mandate period.

The exchange was chaired by Rafael Licea Mojena, President of the Municipal Assembly of Popular Power, Adiel Morera Macías, Intendente, Yuladis García Segura, Deputy Chairman of the local authority and Yaremis Pérez his secretary.

Although the accountability process will be carried out in complex times, charting the way to achieve efficiency in the main programmes of the Special Municipality and services that today seriously affect the population must be a priority.

The Agriculture System provided an update on food production, cold seeding, projections and status of the program to all 83 delegates, an exercise that allowed for a level of response to voters, and how each constituency will contribute more to food sovereignty.

The Water Resources Company also explained how it operates in these times, following its two main objectives of water supply and sanitation networks with obstructions, pits and outlets.

It is certainly a sector that lives a complex situation due to the instability of the level of response due to its technical and fuel availability, broken pumps, insufficient pipes and other issues. But efforts and actions were discussed, although from the demarcations it is also possible to work together with this staff to ensure greater preparation and sustainability of the service.

An important point in the debate is the need to offer a level of response to the people not only to create awareness of the situation they face but also to take the necessary popular action so as not to create unfavorable situations.

During the day, they also offered an overview of their services Commerce and Gastronomy, Public Health, Housing, Community Services and Food Business.

The most important thing is to create conditions for delegates and managers to work on possible solutions, for example in agriculture to exploit idle land, in water resources by creating other conditions, among other actions to ensure the welfare of the pine trees.

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