
Coffee harvest campaign begins

Publicación: 4 Dec, 2024

Categories: Featured | Isle of Youth

The coffee harvest campaign will officially begin this Friday in the Isla de la Juventud where it is estimated to collect about twenty tons, a volume much higher than the previous one.

Managers of this branch of agriculture in the territory, explained that to avoid the drip of coffee, due to its state of maturation, in some farms several producers carried out harvesting work.

They also told the station that, as explained above, the collection will be carried out by the force itself so there will be no call to the foreign mobilization, This will prevent grain loss in the fields due to non-adherence of the technical procedure during harvest.

Narciso Díaz Alonso, head of the coffee program in the Island of Youth, reported that the largest coffee production in this year’s harvest will be achieved at the pole in Mella Citrico where investments started a decade ago are still not completed.

In the Special Municipality there are currently 94 coffee harvesters distributed throughout the pine forest, this figure will increase as it is revealed to be necessary to increase production of a very demanded line.

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