
The Island Government creates conditions for successful accountability process

Publicación: 10 Oct, 2024

Categories: Featured | Isle of Youth

Prior to the delegates' accountability process to their constituents, the Board of Directors analysed the necessary assurances for the success of this important exercise.

Divided into the 10 Popular Councils of this Special Municipality, vice intendants and managers have the mission to prioritize a series of resources for the important exchange of government representatives with the people who elected them.

The Intendent Adiel Morera Macías, explained that the work of the delegate and the management of the Popular Power must be accompanied and strengthened, as well as new local development projects.

In the Isle of youth , the 83 delegates of the People’s Power are being prepared for a transparent process that is necessary in complex times, so that before accountability, the scenarios that will serve this debate are being prepared.

is vital for a good understanding, knowledge and full control of the delegate on each situation raised, For this purpose, it must have previously interacted with the responsible administration and discussed all possible alternatives or solutions.

Accountability is an act that requires all the preparation, ability and courage of the elected from the objective conditions of economic crisis that the country lives.

Rafael Licea Mojena, the President of the Municipal Assembly of People's Power, mentioned that the area is ahead in this process and that they are reviewing the boundaries to successfully hold the 323 assemblies and ensure that the officials genuinely support the delegates.

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