"From clicks to progress”: Digital youth pathways for sustainable development" This is the motto of the 2024 International Youth Day.
It is 12 August, the day chosen by the General Assembly of the United Nations since 2000 for this commemoration, in line with the recommendations of the World Conference of Youth Ministers held in Lisbon in 1999.
Twenty-four years have passed since the date was celebrated by the world with the aim of promoting and publicizing the World Programme of Action for Youth, which promotes peace, mutual respect, understanding among peoples, youth participation in development, Inclusion and diversity.
This issue, as the motto says, emphasizes the role of digital technology in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals. According to the UN International Youth Day synthesis document, the rapid digital transformation currently taking place is timely in supporting technological transitions as a result of demographic and climate changes.
The UN (United Nations) says that young people, as digital and visionary generations, are at the forefront of adopting new technologies, and form the largest demographic of users and developers in global digital trends.
This makes them a driving force and a key demographic to harness the transformative power of technologies and address global challenges.
The world currently has the largest youth population in history, yet one in ten young people lives in conflict zones and 24 million of them are not in school. This is far from the reality in Cuba, one of the countries that has done more for the benefit of children, adolescents and young people. Today, August 12, in multiple spaces, the Cuban youth take a break to greet their Day: make viable, healthy and refreshing use of the technologies at their disposal; and evoke the life and thought of Fidel, their eternal leader, on the eve of his 98th birthday.